Industry Guide Biomass Gasification FEE Industry Guide 2018 May 2018
Final Guideline for Safe and Eco-friendly Biomass Gasification J. Vos et al. Gasification Guide
(pdf 0,86 MB)
Status of Gasification
in countries participating in the
IEA and GasNet activity
August 2004
Kees W. Kwant, Novem, Netherlands
Harrie Knoef, BTG, Netherlands
Status of Gasification
(pdf 1 MB)
Production of hydrogen-rich syngas from steam gasification of blend of biosolids
and wood using a dual fluidised bed gasifier
Woei Saw, Hamish McKinnon, Ian Gilmour, Shusheng Pang, Department of Chemical and Process Engineering, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand Production of H2-rich gas
(pdf 0,46 MB)
Nov. 11
Reaction kinetics and producer gas compositions of steam gasification of coal
and biomass blend chars, part1: Experimental investigation
Qixiang Xu, ShushengPang, University
of Canterbury, NewZealand
TanaLevi, CRL Energy Ltd., Wellington, NewZealand
 Reaction kinetics1
(pdf 0,99 MB)
 Nov. 11
Reaction kinetics and producer gas compositions of steam gasification of coal
and biomass blend chars, part 2: Mathematical modelling and model validation
Qixiang Xu, ShushengPang, University
of Canterbury, NewZealand
TanaLevi, CRL Energy Ltd., Wellington, NewZealand
Reaction kinetics 2
(pdf 0,99 MB)
Nov. 11
Observations on the Current Status of Biomass Gasification
Suresh Babu, GTI
May 05
Status of and Prospects for Biomass Gasification
S. Babu, GTI, U.S.A. and Hermann Hofbauer, TUV
(pdf 1.26 MB)
August 04
Case Study on Waste-Fueled Gasification Project Greve in Chianti, Italy
Report prepared by Task 36
D.L. Granatstein Natural Resources Canada/CANMET Energy Technology Centre (CETC)
(pdf 930.25 KB)
June 03
Toxicity of Wastewater Generated from Gasification of Woodchips
Dept. of Water and Environmental Engineering, Lunds University, Lunds, Sweden (sponsored by Danish Energy Agency)
(pdf 851.00 KB)
June 03
Case Study on Biococomb Biomass Gasification Project Zeltweg Power Station, Austria
Report prepared by Task 36
D.L. Granatstein Natural Resources Canada/CANMET Energy Technology Centre (CETC)
Sept. 02
Review of Finnish Biomass Gasification Technologies – OPET Report 4
E. Kurkela, VTT (Espoo) Finland
May 02
Thermal Gasification of Biomass and Residues in Germany, November 21, 2001
Various:  All presentations were compiled into a report which is available from FEE.  Contact:FEE-ev@t-online.defor copies.
(Attached file shows table of contents of  report) IEADresden11-21-01.pdf
(pdf 283 KB)
Nov. 01
Heating Value of Gases from Biomass Gasification
L. Waldheim, T. Nilsson, TPS Termiska Processer AB, Sweden
Heating Value.pdf
(pdf 303 KB)
May 01
Acceptance Test for Large Biomass Gasifiers
G.H. Huisman, Thermal Engineer & Consultant, The Netherlands
Acceptance Test.pdf
(pdf 180 KB)
Sept 00
A Strategy for Minimisation of Liquid and Gaseous Emissions from the LR Gasification of Dried Sewage Sludge
S. Lynch, Northumbrian Water Ltd., U.K.
Okt. 99
An Assessment of the Possibilities for Transfer of European Biomass Gasification Technology to China
Part 1 by AV Bridgwater, Aston Unversity, U.K., AACM Beenackers, Groningen University, the Netherlands, K Sipila, VTT Energy, Finland
Part 2 by Yuan Zhenhong, Wu Chuangzhi, Sun Li
(pdf 2 MB)
Gasification of Waste – Summary and Conclusions of Twenty-five Years of Development
Erik Rensfelt, TPS Termiska Processer AB, Anders Östman, Kemiinformation AB, Sweden
May 96