Task Leader
Mr. Berend Vreugdenhil
ECN part of TNO
Bio Energy, PO Box 1
NL – 1755 ZG Petten, The Netherlands
Tel: +31 88 515 45 04
+31 6 1011 1176 (mob)
E-mail: vreugdenhil[at]tno.nl
Task Co-leader
Dr. Jitka Hrbek
University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences
Institute for Chemical and Energy Engineering (IVET)
Muthgasse 107/I
1190 Vienna
Tel: 43-664 88 537 003
E-mail: jitka.hrbek[at]boku.ac.at
Operating Agent
Mr. Kees Kwant
PO Box 8242
3503 RE Utrecht
The Netherlands
Tel. + 31 88 602 2458
Representatives of participating countries
Dr. Jitka Hrbek
Prof. Christoph Pfeifer
University of Natural Resources and Life Scienses Vienna
Institute for Chemical and Energy Engineering (IVET)
Muthgasse 107/I
1190 Vienna
E-mail: jitka.hrbek[at]boku.ac.at
E-mail: christoph.pfeifer[at]boku.ac.at
Mr. Benjamin Berger
ECAM Brussels Engineering School
50, Promenade de l’Alma
B – 1200 – Bruxelles
E-mail: brg[at]ecam.be
Dr. Travis Robinson
CanmetENERGY-Ottawa, Natural Resources Canada
1 Haanel Drive, Ottawa, Canada K1A 1M1
Tel: +1 613 89434 87
Email: Travis.robinson[at]NRCan-RNCan.gc.ca
Mr. Guanyi Chen, PhD
School of Environmental Science & Engineering, Tianjin University
Yaguan Road 135#, Haihe Education Park, Jinnan District, Tianjin, 300350, China
Tel: 86-022-26684088
Email: Chen[at]tju.edu.cn
Mrs.Chourouk NAIT SAIDI
Tour Eve, I place du Sud
92800 Puteaux, France
Tel.: (+33) 1 46564144
Mob.: (+33) 7 52625829
Email: c.naitsaidi[at]atee.fr
Dr. Sabine Fleck
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Institute of Chemical Technology
Post box 3640
76131 Karlsruhe, Germany
Tel: +49 – 721 608 – 28945
E-mail: sabine.fleck[at]kit.edu
Prof. Patricia Thornley
Dr. Paula Blanco-Sanchez
School of Engineering & Applied Science
Aston University,Birmingham,
B4 7ET
Tel.: +0(44)121 2043671
+0(44)7798 858295 (mob)
Email: p.thornley[at]aston.ac.uk
Email: p.blanco-sanchez[at]aston.ac.uk
Mr. Rahesh M Badhe
Alternative Energy
Research and Development Centre
Indian Oil Corporation Ltd.
Sector-13, Faridabad, Haryana (India) -121007
Email : badher[at]indianoil.in
Tel: 0129-2294453
Mr D Mohana Rao
Alternative Energy
Research and Development Centre
Indian Oil Corporation Ltd.
Sector-85, Faridabad, Haryana (India) -121007
Email : mohanrd[at]indianoil.in
Tel : 0129-2294267
Mrs. Donatella Barisano
CR Enea Trisaia
S.S. Jonica 106, km 419 + 500
75026 Rotondella (MT)
Tel.: +390835974508
Fax: +390835974210
Email: donatella.barisano[at]enea.it
Mr. Berend Vreugdenhil
ECN part of TNO
Bio Energy, PO Box 1
NL – 1755 ZG Petten, The Netherlands
Tel: +31 88 515 45 04
+31 6 1011 1176 (mob)
E-mail: vreugdenhil[at]tno.nl
Prof. Joakim Lundgren, PhD
Swedish Center for Biomass Gasification (SFC)
Lulea University of Technology
Universitetsområdet Porsön
971 87 Sweden
Tel. +46 (0)920 491307
+46 (0)72 23 91307 (mob)
E-Mail: joakim.lundgren[at]ltu.se
Mr. Robert M. Baldwin, PhD
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) | MS 3511
15013 Denver West Parkway, Golden, CO 80401 USA
Tel.: +01-303-384-6858
+01-720-539-3705 (mob)
Email: robert.baldwin[at]nrel.gov