Gas cleaning, experiences, new developments, analytics and diagnostics
Workshop presentations
H. Leibold, KIT | Hot gas cleaning – Experience and improvements at the bioliq pilot plant |
B. Vreugdenhil, ECN part of TNO | MILENA gasification as platform towards heat and power and sustainable fuels and chemicals |
T. Benstead, RATH Filtration | Latest developments in ceramic filter-based hot gas filtration |
S. Biollaz, PSI | Gas analysis working group (GAW): Status and perspective 2019 |
Y. Neubauer, TCKON Engineering Services | Continuous on-line tar monitoring and tar analysis with UV-fluorescence |
A. Fateev, DTU | Online UV/IR measurement of tars and other gas compounds |
M. Schmid, University Stuttgart | Tar and impurity measurement and monitoring for biogenic residues gasification |
E. Kantarelis, KTH | Effect of gas phase S/K on tar reforming using Ni catalysts downstream and biomass gasifier |
P. Nau, DLR | Tunable diode laser absorption spectroscopy (TDLAS) for gas analysis in gasifiers |
F. Schmidt, Umea University | TDLAS-based in situ measurements of potassium in entrained flow gasifiers |